XC Contest Rules

XC Contest Rules

a. Eligibility:

The New England XC Contest is open to all pilots flying any New England
(USHGA Region 8) site, including Petersburg Pass, NY, and Brace if the flights are into New England. Ellenville is not included.

Pilots must meet all the local site requirements including proper
ratings, signed waivers, club membership, etc.

There is no entry fee or contest registration required.

b. Classes:

The contest is divided into 9 classes,

Hang Glider 0-25 miles
Hang Glider 25-50 miles
Hang Glider 50+ miles
Hang Glider Rigid Wing
Hang Glider Tandem
Paraglider 0-25 miles
Paraglider 25-50 miles
Paraglider 50+ miles
Paraglider Tandem

A pilot's assignment to a specific class will be based on their
longest Region 8 flight prior to the current year. (including Petersburg
Pass, NY)

A pilot may be placed in a higher class if their flying activity
outside Region 8 warrants it. This would only be done if both the
participant pilot and the contest organizer are in agreement.


If Greg flew 60 miles from Morningside several years ago he will be
in the "50+ miles" class this year.

If Mary is in the "25-50 miles" class because her longest flight
before this year was 30 miles from Rutland, she will remain in that
class even if she flies 75 miles this year. Put another way, you do
not change classes in the middle of the year.

If Sue's longest flights are one 40 mile flight in Florida and a 20
mile flight in Region 8, she will be assigned to the 0-25 mile class.

If Curt is new to the area and has multiple 100+ mile flights from
elsewhere, he will (probably) be assigned to the 50+ mile class.

c. Reporting Flights:

1. The pilot must report their flight to the contest organizer.

2. All distances must be rounded to the nearest tenth of a mile.

3. The distance will be the straight-line measurement between the
launch and landing points.

4. GPS coordinates or measurements from a sectional map are the
preferred methods to determine distance. You may be asked to produce flight data if necessary.

5. New XC contest participants should mention their longest previous
flight to determine their proper class for the year.

d. Awards:

1st, 2nd, and 3rd place trophies will be given for each class.

Only the longest flight per pilot will be eligible for an award.
(Though their other flights will also be listed.)

Trophies will be handed out at the annual XC Dinner the following
spring (or thereabouts).

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